St. Paul Lutheran Church
220 The Grove Road
Gatesville, TX 76528
Phone: 254-986-2607
FAX: 254-986-1478

© 2015 St. Paul Lutheran Church • 220 The Grove Road • Gatesville, Texas 76528 • The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

Opportunities to Serve
Fellowship Committee
This group is made up of members whose responsibility it is to plan and organize the various fellowship opportunities in our church family and community. This is the group that plans and organizes events like our Game Nights, our Annual Church Picnic, and other opportunities to gather with members of the church family for food and fellowship.

These are the folks that make the first impression on the visitors to our worship services. Each Sunday we have two “official greeters” to meet and greet the saints as they come to worship. If you would be willing to serve in this capacity the time commitment would be one month a year. We offer training to give you the tools you need to serve effectively in this ministry. If you would like to be an “Official Greeter” let Pastor Heckmann know and we will add you to the list of those already serving in this way.

Kitchen Circle
This circle is divided into three sub-circles. Their role is to organize large meals for congregational functions such as pastor’s conferences, workshops, funerals, and the Community Christmas Dinner. These ladies are responsible for organizing the food, setting up the meal, serving the meal and cleaning up afterwards (along with help from others).

Prayer Chain
This ministry of our congregation is open to all the members of our congregation. Prayer Chain members recieve prayer requests so that they can then lift these people up in prayer before the mercy seat of our Heavenly Father. Prayer requests may be made by anyone and for anyone at anytime. You do not need to be a member of the congregation to use this important ministry. If you have a prayer request, please let Pastor Heckmann know.

The Ushers are a group of men that help with the church service. Before the worship service they hand out the bulletins and during the service they gather the offering. This group also helps with Communion. Their job is also to make sure that the worshippers are comfortable and well taken care of as they serve the congregation in a variety of ways.