St. Paul Lutheran Church
220 The Grove Road
Gatesville, TX 76528
Phone: 254-986-2607
FAX: 254-986-1478

© 2015 St. Paul Lutheran Church • 220 The Grove Road • Gatesville, Texas 76528 • The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

Altar Guild
This organization of our congregation is made up of ladies who have chosen as part of their ministry in the church to take care of the church furnishings in the Chancel area. Two ladies serve together for a month at a time.

The Adult Choir of St. Paul Lutheran Church has two seasons in which they provide supplemental music to the worship life of the congregation.  Those two seasons are the Advent/Christmas Season, and the Lent/Easter Season.  The Adult Choir strives to practice once a week during those times and to sing on a couple of Sundays and during a couple of Midweek Services.  Everyone is invited to join us as we sing our praises to God.

The LWML (Lutheran Women's Missionary League) is made up of the ladies of our congregation. They meet monthly for Bible study and for mission outreach in our community, our area and around the world.

For more information about our National & District LWML click here.

Quilting Bee
This is a group of dedicated ladies who love the art of making quilts of all sizes, shapes and construction. These quilts are then sent to Lutheran World Relief and various people and organizations in Central Texas. They meet together in the Multipurpose room each 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from 9:00am until Noon.

This is an assembly made up of men and women from our congregation who are over the age of 18 and have made their intentions known that they would like to be a Voting member of the congregation. This group meets every other month to discuss and vote on issues that affect the life of the church. If you are interested in becoming a voter, please talk to Pastor Heckmann.